industry analysis

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As a newly appointed Marketing Manager, you are required to carry out a detailed industry

analysis for your chosen organization. The purpose of this is to formulate a suitable marketing

campaign for your chosen organization. Produce a report detailing the below.

As part of the introduction to the report give a brief explanation of the various elements of the

marketing  process (LO 1.1)

Evaluate the benefits and costs of a marketing orientation for the selected organization. (LO 1.2)

Carry out a thorough organisation, industry and market environment situation analysis. For this,

identify and analyze Macro environment, Micro external environment, Micro internal environment

. and the capabilities using a range of tools and techniques suitable for each market situation.

Summarised your analysis using a SWOT Analysis.

Include minimum key factors such as the different analysis models, you must carry out;

–          Macro environment analysis

–          Micro external environment

–          Micro Internal (Core & Distinctive competencies)

–          Capabilities

You must carry out the above analysis and you are welcome to use more tools and techniques

to support your findings.  Summarise your finding through a SWOT analysis (LO 2.1)

Following the SWOT analysis identify a product/service that can be marketed

different segments . Justify your reason for the proposed segmentation criteria. (LO 2.2)

Choose a target strategy for the chosen product/service. (LO 2.3)

For the chosen strategy discuss how the buyer behaviour affects marketing activities in

different buying situations. Discuss the buyer behaviour in relation to the segmentation

criteria you have identified. (LO 2.4)

Suggest a range of positioning options for your selected product/service (LO 2.5)

Develop a marketing plan for the proposed strategy addressing the issues identified in the

marketing analysis.

For example you may identify the strategies such as,

–          Increase existing market share through market stimulation

–          Increase existing market share through new product development

–          Entering a new market through introducing existing product(s) to a new market

–          Entering a new market through new product development


Focus on one of the objectives and develop a marketing plan. Provide a justification and an

explanation with reasons for the chosen strategy. Your explanation should include,

• how the product is going to be developed to sustain competitive advantage (LO 3.1)

• how distribution is going to be arranged to provide customer convenience (LO 3.2)

• how you would set the price of the product to reflect organisation’s objectives and

marketing conditions (LO 3.3)

Plan and recommend marketing mixes for the two different segments you have discussed  in

the Assignment  01 . (LO  4.1)

For the segments you have discussed above clearly explain the marketing mix with including

the promotion clement. You should discuss how the promotional activity is integrated to

achieve marketing objective. (LO 3.4)

Include an analysis into the additional elements of the extended marketing mix, providing

your  marketing plan (LO 3.5)

To summarise your findings and recommendations,

• Suggest a budget, resources and a timescale.

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