Archive | May, 2016

Technology Architecture Sketch

Your main objectives for this assignment are to read the Laudon and Laudon textbook chapters (5-7) on technologies and then apply this knowledge to develop a technology architecture sketch for the company described in Exhibit1. Deliverable: You will need to prepare a report that is uploaded to the Discussion Forum (10 points) and then discussed […]

Advanced Business Systems (ABS); Create a package diagram of the problem domain layer using the communication diagrams and the CRUDE matrix

Advanced Business Systems (ABS) is a consulting and staffing company providing specialized staffing and consulting services to clients in a variety of different industries. It has offices in major U.S. metro areas and has ongoing relationships with Fortune 500 companies. Its areas of services range from software development and network engineering to geo-information systems. It […]

The Strayer Oracle Server

The Strayer Oracle Server may be used to test and compile the SQL Queries developed for this assignment. Your instructor will provide you with login credentials to a Strayer University maintained Oracle server. A multinational tour operator agency has gained new business growth in the North American market through the use of social media. Its […]

Identify the HIM professional’s responsibilities as custodian of the health record.

As a Health Information Management (HIM) professional it is critical to have a strong understanding of your responsibilities regarding health records. For this assignment, complete the following steps. List the nine clinical and nonclinical uses of the health record. Explain why it is important to know the different uses of the health record. Identify the […]

Consider the usefulness of Porter and Lawler’s expectancy theory in regard to rewards.

Research the theory using the Excelsior College Virtual Library. The U.S. workforce has transformed from agricultural to industrial to knowledge workers. With this change, expectations have also changed. Add to this generational differences and diversity in the workplace. Rewards must be carefully designed to meet the expectations of this changing workforce Suppose you are going […]

Explore what types of crimes adult women commit. Have there been any significant changes in the types of crimes adult women tend to commit over the last 20 years?

For this week’s assignment, you will write a 1-2 page essay about female offenders. Be sure to address all prompts and cite your sources in APA format. You have already seen how women and girls are treated differently by the criminal justice system, compared to men and boys. The types of crimes committed also vary […]

Leadership Training Need Identified Reward and Recognition Program Needed

For this assignment, you will write a proposal to your organization’s senior management team for a project you would like to receive approval for. The section titled Practical Skills: Proposal Writing in the interactive lecture on page V of Module 7 provides guidance to help you determine the specific needs of your audience. Your proposal […]

combine the two (2) companies in a way that allows the employees of your company to access the resources in the purchased company and vice versa

  Imagine you are an administrator for a growing company. Your company decides to purchase another company that designs and manufactures components used in the widgets that your company designs, manufactures, and sells. Both companies have an Active Directory infrastructure. Suggest a strategy that includes the components that you would need to put in place […]

Microsoft Excel, the statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS), and the legal and ethical aspects of surveys and data collection.

Research Microsoft Excel, the statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS), and the legal and ethical aspects of surveys and data collection. Answer the following questions separately and completely: Describe ways in which MS Excel can be used by a manager of an organization as a tool for interpreting data. What are the major benefits […]

Discuss the impact of flash and ‘the cloud’ on enterprise storage environments as a whole

Research Paper: Discuss the impact of flash and ‘the cloud’ on enterprise storage environments as a whole. You should discuss the success factors contrasted with the pitfalls that companies experience when adopting various strategies. Describe the impact to new/existing system designs when alternative solutions are introduced into the data center (whether onsite, or in the cloud). […]