Apply systems theory and systems thinking to facilitate health care delivery and patient outcomes

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Write 3–5 page safety score improvement plan for mitigating concerns, addressing a specific patient-safety goal that is relevant to quality patient care. Determine what a best evidence-based practice is and design a plan for resolving issues resulting from not maintaining patient safety.

Quality improvement and patient safety are health care industry imperatives (Institute of Medicine’s Committee on Quality of Health Care in America, 2001). Effective quality improvement results in system and organizational change. This ultimately contributes to the creation of a patient safety culture.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

· Competency 2: Apply systems theory and systems thinking to facilitate health care delivery and patient outcomes.

. Apply systems thinking to explain how current policies and procedures may affect an identified safety issue.

. Explain an evidence-based strategy to collect information about, and improve, an identified safety concern.

. Explain a plan to implement a recommendation and monitor outcomes.

· Competency 4: Evaluate how power relates to health care organizational structure, behavior, and leadership.

. Describe the influence of nursing leadership in driving needed changes.

· Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is consistent with the expectations of a nursing professional.

. Write content clearly and logically, with correct use of grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and current APA style.


Refer to the Internet for supplemental resources to help you complete this assessment, a safety score improvement plan.

Consider the hospital-acquired conditions that are not reimbursed for under Medicare/Medicaid. Among these conditions are specific safety issues such as infections, falls, medication errors, and other safety concerns that could have been prevented or alleviated with the use of evidence-based guidelines. Hospital Safety Score, an independent nonprofit organization, uses national performance measures to determine the safety score for hospitals in the United States. The Hospital Safety Score Web site and other online resources provide hospital safety scores to the public.

Read the scenario below:


As the manager of a unit, you have been advised by the patient safety office of an alarming increase in the hospital safety score for your unit. This is a very serious public relations matter because patient safety data is public information. It is also a financial crisis because the organization stands to lose a significant amount of reimbursement money from Medicare and Medicaid unless the source of the problem can be identified and corrected. You are required to submit a safety score improvement plan to the organization’s leadership and the patient safety office.

Select a specific patient safety goal that has been identified by an organization, or one that is widely regarded in the nursing profession as relevant to quality patient care delivery, such as patient falls, infection rates, catheter-induced urinary infections, IV infections, et cetera.

Deliverable: Safety Score Improvement Plan

Develop a 3 page safety score improvement plan.

· Identify the health care setting and nursing unit of your choice in the title of the mitigation plan. For example, “Safety Score Improvement Plan for XYZ Rehabilitation Center.”

· You may choose to use information on a patient safety issue for the organization in which you currently work, or search for information from a setting you are familiar with, perhaps from your clinical work.

. Demonstrate systems theory and systems thinking as you develop your recommendations.

Organize your report with these headings:

Study of Factors

· Identify a patient safety issue.

· Describe the influence of nursing leadership in driving the needed changes.

· Apply systems thinking to explain how current policies and procedures may affect a safety issue.


· Recommend an evidence-based strategy to improve the safety issue.

· Explain a strategy to collect information about the safety concern.

. How would you determine the sources of the problem?

· Explain a plan to implement a recommendation and monitor outcomes.

. What quality indicators will you use?

. How will you monitor outcomes?

. Will policies or procedures need to be changed?

. Will nursing staff need training?

. What tools will you need to do this?

Additional Requirements

· Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.

· APA formatting: Resources and in-text citations should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting.

· Length: The plan should be 3–5 pages.

· Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point, double-spaced.

· Number of resources: Use a minimum of three peer-reviewed resources.

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