Identify and explain what HIPAA covers and the penalties for noncompliance

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1. Identify and explain what HIPAA covers and the penalties for noncompliance. Who is subject to HIPAA requirements?

2. You are returning to your office from lunch, and you pass by the nurses’ station on the floor. When you get a little closer, you notice that there are a lot of people staring at some information on the screen. When you ask them what is going on, one of the nurses tells you that John Morris, a heartthrob celebrity, is staying in the hospital for treatment. None of the nurses looking at his records are actually treating this patient. None of the nurses are going to sell or leak the information, but they were just curious about his medical history. Is this still an example of a breach of patient confidentiality? Why, or why not? How would you handle this situation? What, if any, laws have been broken in this incident? Your best answer will include any valid defense that could be raised by the nurses.

3. We have discussed many different forms for patient records and maintenance. How does the development of new technologies impact patient privacy? Provide specific examples and identify potential problems with health informatics.

4. A patient of the medical practice where you work is demanding his original x-ray films. You, as the receptionist, have explained to him that you can send them to another provider and give him a copy of the paper report that explains the results of the x-rays, but you cannot give him the original films. The patient is getting angry and demands you give him the actual films. He tells you, “They are mine; I paid for them.” What do you tell the patient? Is he correct? Who actually owns these types of medical records?

5. Describe the Nuremberg Code. Provide a brief summary of it, and include the history of the code. How does the Nuremberg Code compare to the other medical professional code of ethics?

6. Bioethics are a relatively new, yet evolving field. Select and describe one bioethical issue that is addressed in this unit. Explain why it falls in the category of bioethics. What are some of the arguments for and against your topic? Explain why there might be any controversy regarding it. Provide examples to support your conclusions.

7. Explain and discuss gene therapy. What is it, and how does it work? Provide solid examples to explain its application. What are the potential benefits and risks? Again, provide examples to demonstrate this.

8. We discussed the ethical dilemmas around human stem cell research. Do you agree with this type of scientific research? Does it matter that this type of medical research holds promise to treat and even cure spinal cord injuries? What do you think? Discuss your own personal views related to stem cell research and use factual evidence to defend your position.

9. What is meant by a “directional strategy” for a health care organization? Provide some specific examples of directional strategies for your own health care organization or one which you hope to lead.

10. Explain the role and relationships among health care mission, vision, values, and strategic goals. Provide specific examples of these relationships for medical organizations.

11. Consider your own health care organization or one which you would someday hope to lead. As CEO of the organization, how would you set about determining the “critical success factors” for your facility or program? What will be your process to determine these critical success factors?

12. Explain the rationale and application of SPACE evaluation in health care planning. How would you utilize SPACE in planning for your own health care facility or program?

13. Discuss the hierarchy of strategic decisions and alternatives that are required for effective strategic planning in health care organizations.

14. Describe the essential services provided within the scope of public health in America today. What is meant by Public Health Assessment Services? Discuss at least three examples of Public Health Assessment Services that are taking place in your own area.

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