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This exam is due in hard copy by the date given in the course schedule, attached to the syllabus. Please put your name and ticket number at the beginning of your exam. You must answer either question #1 or question #2. You must also answer either question #3 or question #4. Finally, you must answer questions #5.


Your answer to each question should be approximately 3-4 double-spaced pages each, with no more than one-inch margins all around. You may use either a 12- or 14-point font. The exam should be labeled on the first page with your name, the due date, and the course name (“Modern Philosophy”).


You may study with other students in preparation for this exam. Please be sure, however, that the answers you turn in are substantially your own, and not simply copies or paraphrases of someone else’s answers. If you do work with anyone else, you must list their names on your exam. Also, whenever you quote, paraphrase, or rely heavily on some particular source for a portion of your answer, you must insert a footnote, endnote or parenthetical comment citing this source.
Remember to write your answers so that someone who was not in this course would understand what you are explaining. Whenever you refer to one of our authors, please give a paragraph and section or chapter reference. You are encouraged to do outside research for this exam, but only to help you do a better job of answering the questions. (You won’t get credit merely because you’ve cited some outside source.) I would recommend starting with the online Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, which may be found at: (Note no “www” prefix.)






  1. Why do the three main steps in Meditation I attack the reliability of the senses? Explain each of the three steps in detail. Why is each step more outrageous and extreme than the previous ones?


  1. When Descartes introduces the evil demon fantasy, he says, “But it is not enough simply to have realized these things; I must take steps to keep myself mindful of them. For long-standing opinions keep returning, and, almost against my will, they take advantage of my credulity….” What is the problem that Descartes is wrestling with here? When he says, “Nor will I ever get out of the habit of assenting to them and believing in them, so long as I take them to be exactly what they are, namely…highly probably [opinions]…that it is much more consonant with reason to believe…than to deny,” what is his point? How does the evil demon fantasy help solve the problem he’s wrestling with?


  1. How does he argue in Meditation II for the claim that our essence is thinking? Explain his reasoning step by step.


  1. What is the main points Descartes is trying to make in the wax example at the end of Meditation II? Explain in detail how he uses the wax example to argue for each of these points.


  1. Hobbes is a mechanist. Define this term, and explain in detail how Hobbes gives mechanistic accounts of reason, desire, deliberation, and action.
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