To what extent are these areas available in the English language books for high school students

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curriculum and Islamic values 2

The impact of the linguistic hegemony of English on the Islamic values of English text books in

Saudi Arabia: evaluating the content of English textbooks of secondary stage (Super Goal 6).

Mona Al-Qahtani

Thesis Proposal (December 13, 2018)

University of King Khalid University, Dept. of Applied Linguistics, Languages and Translation

curriculum and Islamic values

curriculum and Islamic values


This paper attempts to propose ways to merge Islamic values in English textbooks and teaching methods in the secondary stage. These values include: optimizing the use of instructional materials to contain Islamic values, as well as preparing teachers to be with multiple efficiencies. Furthermore, this paper includes the teaching of English materials in a context that is compatible with Islamic objectives. By doing so, Saudi Students can maintain their Islamic identity and values. Moreover, this integration of Islamic teachings in textbooks would protect students of the split personalities that occur when Muslim youths learn English from textbooks that are heavily full of Western values. Simultaneously, Saudi Students in youth age will have English competence as a fort fortified to encounter their future.

1 Introduction

One day, I had a class titled as “They said, we said” and the lesson was designed inappropriately for Muslim students. In the coursework, there were pictures representing a group of people in a coffee shop named “The gossip café”. In the picture, the group of people is shown talking and laughing in an inappropriate way. When I wanted to extract the Islamic aspects in the picture, I felt that there was something wrong. Nevertheless, I continued talking to my students about backbiting. I said that we should not listen to what others say about people, as it is extremely against the teachings of our religion. However, a student named Ahlam stopped me and said that this thing is being done mostly by all students, and she thought it is normal because everyone has the right to talk freely about whomever he/she wants. A year after the incident took place, I had been admitted to complete a Master’s degree. In one of his classes, professor Abdullah asked us a question “What is the role of you as English student to serve Islam?” at the same time, I remembered my student, Ahlam, who was the main rational reason to select this topic. My reasoning for this quick memory was an entrance to this research.

As Kachru’s divided (1985, 1992),Saudi Arabia is considered one of the Expanding Circle countries where English is used as a foreign language. Saudi Arabia devoted great attention to English teaching and training. However, such efforts faced enormous resistance by people in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia who think that English is still carrying Judeo-Christian values and Western beliefs(Karmani, 2005a; b; c as cited in Alshammari,2015,366).Therefore, Ratnawati (2005) said that one of the point convergence English and Islam in teaching of English as a second or foreign language.

Sheldon (1988), mentioned that textbooks or course-materials considered to be the pulp to any language teaching and learning process, and the objectives of language learning and lesson planning and working schedule for teachers and learners often depend on textbooks(p. 237-246).These led the investigator to ask the following questions: Can English textbooks carry the weight of Islamic values? Should Muslim students use English in order to express their religion?

The English language has globally acquired an important status, due to the fact that the demand for English as a world language influences its uses in many countries in the world. English is the dominant language of business, arts, education, and culture (Tamtam et al., 2012).In Saudi Arabia, English is taught as a foreign language in the secondary stage. Nowadays, Saudi Arabia is living a very critical period which triggers a need for a better teaching system that should correlate with the Islamic faith, including English language teaching method and curriculum. Unfortunately, the poor course materials that are selected to teach English in Saudi Arabia influenced the beliefs, behavior and the ideas of some students in the opposite way of our Islamic values, making them become more lenient toward some practices that are incompatible with our Islamic values.

This paper tries to propose some ways to integrate and incorporate Islamic values in the teaching of English in secondary schools in Saudi Arabia

1.1 Purpose of the study

The study aims to discuss three major ideas. First, the Islamic values which are supposed to be added to the course material of English for the secondary stage. Secondly, students’ attitude towards changing their English textbooks to be Islamic truly and contained the Islamic values. Finally, the study aims to set suggested deceptions to enrich the content of the curriculum of English for the secondary stage.

1.2 Significance of the Study

The current study attempts to come up with new proposals to included Islamic values in Secondary English textbooks. Moreover, this study attempts to come up with new solutions to enhance Saudi EFL students’ Islamic values. This study will highlight the role of the English language curriculum in the educational process, which seeks to promote Islamic values among students. The findings of this study will redound to the benefit of English language teaching in any EFL environment, considering that enhancing learning English must be related to the Islamic faith, thoughts, and conduct of the learners will lead to make grown up Muslim youth have the ability to encounter their future. Thus, schools that apply the English language teaching in a proper Islamic frame, their students will be able to know more concepts and values about Islamic religion easily. Moreover, such a study would be significantly beneficial to the Ministry of Education as the latter may adopt some of the study’s concepts and make some necessary amendments to the English curriculum at this stage. In addition, course designers and planners will be steered on what should be emphasized by teachers in the school curriculum to improve Islamic values and concepts through English Language Teaching. This study will also help other researchers to uncover the effects of Islamic values and concepts on students conduct of any given situation and also help them to study the related phenomena.

1.3 Definitions

Textbooks: the textbook can be defined as a book that includes several of knowledge and it can be used as a provenance to formal study of a tool and theme for teaching and learning processes (Graves 2000: 175 cited in Gak, 2011, 79).Yahyah Hendam and Jaber Abdel Hamid defined it as “a set of useful information that is designed under the school supervision to provide students with a range of information, skills and desired trends”

The researcher defined it as” Intellectual extract that students acquire as a result of information, skills that were built and received”

Language& English language:

Language as defined of by Chomsky is “a set (finite or infinite) of sentences, each finite in length and constructed out of a finite set of elements”(1957: p.13). The Oxford dictionary reviewed that Language could be one of the systems that used by a particular country or community to communicate with each other. The researcher thinks that the English language defined as one of the language types.

Secondary stage students: They are students between the ages of 16 and 18 and are enrolled in their classes. They are divided into first secondary, second secondary and third secondary.

Values: Tahtawi defined it as “a set of principles, rules, ideals, and processes in which people believe and agree it among them, and they take it as a balance to control their actions by judging their material and moral actions.(Tahtawi,1417,43).According to Wilson (2009), values can be defined as “Freely chosen, verbally constructed consequences of ongoing, dynamic, evolving patterns of activity, which establish predominant reinforcers for that activity that are intrinsic in engagement in the valued behavioral pattern itself”

Islamic values: Mustafa defined it as “A set of standards and judgments emanating from basic perceptions of the universe, life, man and God, as portrayed by Islam, and consists of the individual and the community through interaction with different life situations and experiences, enabling him to choose goals and orientations of his life consistent with his potential, Directly and indirectly”(p.34).

2 Research questions.

The problem of the study is determined by the following main research question:

· To what extent does the content of the English textbooks in the secondary stage include Islamic values ​​and to what extent can it be enriched?

This question is divided by the following sub-questions:

1. What are the areas of Islamic values ​​that English textbooks are supposed to promote it to secondary students?

2. To what extent are these areas available in the English language books for high school students?

3. To what extent students will accept the idea of changing their English textbooks to be Islamic truly.

4. What is the proposed perception to enrich the content of English textbooks with Islamic values for secondary school students?


The hypothesis of this study is that English is not only a language, just as Islam is not only a religion. In addition, learning English must be related to the Islamic faith, thoughts, and conduct of the learners. English language teaching must be truly Islamic, as a means of dealing with the “split personalities” that occur when Muslim youths learn English.

3 Literature Review

The main reason behind the selection of ” The impact of the linguistic hegemony of English on the Islamic values of English text books in Saudi Arabia: evaluating the content of English textbooks of secondary stage (Super Goal)” is a great a statement mentioned by a muslim scholar who is Shafi (1983),its content is “The English language, therefore, has a crucial role to play in the achievement of the ultimate aim of Muslim education,” which is the spreading of Islam(p. 35).Moreover, as a teacher I faced a lot of Western practices among my student in secondary stage which are against our religion such as birthday celebration and the gossip that they considered it as freedom of express other. Most of my students also have fully conviction it the spreading of Islam is the role of religious personalities and there is no relation between English and Islam. My reasoning for those convictions was an entrance to this research. Moreover, search engines had a great role when I catch the information. Each stop is a unique document that was provided me varied experiences and knowledge through a web page, a PDF, JPG, or other file in Google Scholar, Saudi Digital Library and Academia web. Finally, these articles are related to each other in one point that is different ideologies can leave a strong influence on textbooks.

Throughout the history, there have been a number of studies that discussed the impact of the linguistic hegemony of English on the Islamic values of English text books. These studies have applied different reforming regarding English text books. They will be addressed as following:

Elyas, T. (2008). The attitude and the impact of the American English as a global language within the Saudi education system. Novitas-Royal2(1), 28-48.

A study conducted by Elyas (2008) which addressed mainly on how the September 11 terrorist attacks affect on the English teaching system in Saudi Arabia, and how far the Saudi society had different attitudes and the impacts toward this events as well as the Karmani’s and Kabel’s claim which ensures the issue of more English less Islam. This study focuses on a group of Saudi-English freshmen students at King Abdul Aziz University. 65 participants aged 21 years were surveyed. The researcher used questionnaires with 12 items to do the study perceptions of Saudi students studying the New English Curricula in their second semester. Elyas (2008) outlined the steps used to analyze the questionnaire were Likert scale that include a five-point Strongly Agree (SA), Agree(A), Neutral (N), Agree (A), and Strongly Agree (SA).Each item has been translated into Arabic that being the language that carry the correct meanings to Saudi students. The author reports that a study on the participants’ responses demonstrated Saudi students believe that it is important to study English language together with its culture in if they are to develop adequate English comprehension. To that end, Saudi students do not perceive English as an emblem of imperialism serving the purpose of westernizing the Arabic identity of international Saudi students. According to the Elyas, not all Saudi students who participated disputed the idea of Western ideology because some students felt that learning English and the English culture contradicted their Islamic and Arabic identity. Most Arabic students feel that learning English as well as the Western culture of English is necessary and leaves the Saudi Arabian cultural and Islamic identity is unscathed. With the inevitability of globalization, the demand for English will increase. With rising discrimination especially against Arabs in America, it is important to learn English to be able to know what is being said about them. An understanding of the English language and culture will help Arabs understand the motives and perceptions of the people they interact with. A good understanding of English is also essential to understand how to interact with people from other cultural backgrounds because English is almost becoming a global language. People from different corners of the world are restructuring English language to suit their needs. The Arab world therefore faces a challenge of adapting to the demands of globalization by creating their own version and culture of the English language or accepting the current English Culture of the Western.

Karim, S., & Haq, N. (2014). Culture of language learning: A comparative study of English language textbooks used in Pakistan. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 10(2), 157-168.

Language learning materials are sources of linguistic knowledge and also carry some cultural messages. This study focuses on what culture of language learning is promoted by English textbooks used in the educational setup in Pakistan. It shows the role of textbooks in English Language Teaching (ELT) and the educational context in Pakistan.

The target materials were the Oxford Progressive English (OPE) vol. 9 and 10 and the English Course Book (ECB) vol. 9 and 10. The books were selected because they were prescribed for the two learning systems used in Pakistan, they target the same level of learning, have the same year of publication thus variables are controlled and also because the learners using these two books in the two distinct systems of education show a striking difference reflected in terms of their enrolment in higher studies. The principle used for selection of the units is done on the basis of similarity of topics.

In-depth evaluation was the methodology used. There was a difference in the lay-out of the text of the two books with OPE clearly identifying the genre at the beginning of each unit while ECB does not contain an identification of genre at the text. The ECB seems to promote some moral and religious events of the Muslims while the OPE does not seem to promote any religious or social ideology. The units in OPE are written in first person narrative while that of ECB uses mainly description of events, places, dates and personalities. They both use different approaches to vocabulary teaching and learning. OPE does not promote memorization as ECB does. The questions given in ECB require only specific information that can be traced or copied directly from the text. OPE contains marked sections representing each of the language skills while ECB while does not explicitly focus on any of the four language skills. OPE has a well structured content and exercise free from social or religious bias while ECB focuses on a traditional structural approach.

Mahboob, A. (2009). English as an Islamic language: A case study of Pakistani English. World Englishes, 28(2), 175-189.

In Pakistan, despite English being the colonizing language, the English used in Pakistan reflects Islamic values and incarnates the South Asian Islamic sensitivities. The main research questions addressed in the study are: if Muslim countries should use English in their educational institutions, if Muslim countries can harness the English language in order to gain access to the knowledge/s that is currently available in English language and what the role of Muslim intellectuals is in English. To address the research questions, first the discourses of colonialism in the English language and English language teaching are examined. The relationship of Christianity and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Language (TESOL) was considered. Finally, the paper gave a detailed historical and linguistic description of Pakistani English as an example of a vibrant new variety of English which carries the weight of Muslim culture in a South Asian society. The methodology used is not clearly shown.

The findings of the study showed that English language had been an integral part of Pakistani official, economic, educational and social life. English language was about to be scraped by religious leaders but were unable since there was insufficient material produced in local languages to use in the various types and levels of educational institutions, there were no other politically ‘neutral’ languages that could replace English, the religious parties did not have sufficient political power and the groups with economic, social, and political strength believed that English was essential for future development. This made it hard to scrap English despite being againstit. The conclusion for the research shows that English is considered a powerful language globally thus plays vital role in education. The author proposes a framework that could be used to study the relationship between local Islamic values and the English language.

Mosleh, E., & Firwana, S. S. (2015). Value-based Content Analysis of ‘English for Palestine’8 th Grade Course Book and Suggested Value Enrichment Material. Unpublished master thesis. Islamic University, Gaza.

The English textbook for the eighth grade is analyzed depending on the values discussed in the textbook. The researcher used previous knowledge and research on this topic to perform a scientific descriptive procedure that classified the values found in the textbook to eight categories followed by the percentage of appearance between parenthesis: cultural (37.8%), social (22%), economic (12.2%), environmental (11.8%), national (6.3%), religious (2.4%), political values (0.96%), and miscellaneous (6.54%) . The analysis took to consideration everything in the book including but not limited to words, graphs, and pictures. The researcher concluded from the study the need for improvements in the categories that are underrepresented such as religious and political values. Also, he found out the need for common standard to use while creating a future curriculum to balance values throughout the content.

Rashid, R. S. A. A., & Ibrahim, E. H. E. (2018). English Language Textbooks and Portrayal of Culture: A content analysis. In MATEC Web of Conferences (Vol. 150, p. 05076). EDP Sciences.‏

Textbooks play a vital role in the learning and teaching especially in foreign language classrooms. In order to develop the right learning materials for students in Muslim societies, it is required to look at social psychological theory of foreign language acquisition. This study looks at how English Learning Teaching (ELT) materials from socio-cultural perspectives and its appropriateness to Muslim learners to ensure that the materials complement learners’ needs and the vision and mission of the institution. Data for this study was collected through document search, conceptual content analysis and content categorization. The author outlines the steps used to analyze the data which entailed the data type to be analyzed-textbooks and how western culture elements related to Islam and Muslim, evaluating the selected textbooks to find out Islam and Muslim was portrayed. Five textbooks were used. The first had neutral content where thirteen contents that had a neutral portrayal of Islam and Muslims. The second had positive portrayal where stereotypes and national identity of Islam and Muslims was found. The third book had a negative portrayal where seven contents had negative portrayals of Islam and Muslims.The study of the textbooks proved that it was impossible to have textbooks that were neutral to socio-cultural ideologies and that the students’ motivation was negatively affected if the materials were contradictive to what they knew or felt offended with and that most frequent cultural values were related to American cultures. It shows that the most important prospect of the Arab culture was hospitality and that the evaluated textbooks had most of the western culture. The study of the textbooks showed some fondness towards some foreign cultural values at the expense of the Islamic culture. The content in the textbooks chosen had Islamic and Muslim culture in them. For these reason, publishers should publish local editions of their textbooks and to consult experts on the cultures depicted in their textbooks to cater for students’ needs.

Sajid, M. (2015). Ideology in Text Books. Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, 03-06.

In this article” Ideology in textbooks,” Sajid (2015) investigated impact that ideological left on Punjab English textbooks(Book I & BookIII) of Intermediate level by analyzing data collected from them. Sajid examined how the minds of the young generation were a greater affected by this kind of Ideology. Moreover, the author focused on exploring implicit and explicit ideologies that exist in the textbooks that has considered as a source and tool of knowledge in our educational institutions. In addition, Sajid mentioned that the spread of different ideologies and multiple matters that related to power, hegemony, identity, political ideology, gender and class differences can be offered effectively and easily in the discourse of textbooks, culture, society, newspapers, media and religious seminaries. Consequently, Sajid argued language learning does not imply learning the language itself but it extends to give several of ideologies and cultural norms such as hegemonic beliefs, values, norms and culture, and a certain conception of life as well as a certain world-view. Sajid reviewed numerous of examples that he extracted from the lessons of Intermediate English Textbook 1, for example, “God Be Praised” by Ahmed Nadeem Qasmi, Page, 131 and he commented by saying the ideology that is represented here is that one must give his/ her effort and life only to religion and must be ready to suffering trip that its compensating will be in the end. Sajid concluded by asserting that textbooks design must accommodate the needs of the students as well as challenges they face today.

Shah, S. K., Tariq, W., & Bilal, M. Ideology in English Textbooks: A Case Study of Matric Level Books in Punjab.

In this article” Ideology in English textbooks: A Case Study of Matric Level Books in Punjab “Shah (2013) explored the critical analyzing of national, religious and democratic ideology in English textbooks used in Pakistani high schools, he focused on English textbooks of both 9th and 10th classes. Shah’s major questions were about the essence values that being included in English textbooks in Punjab and he also was asked if the English textbooks in Punjab support an Islamic ideology or promoted bias and fanaticism against the other. Moreover, Shah used Teun A. Van Dijk’s model “Socio cognitive analysis” as a qualitative analysis to explore Ideological visions of reliable people and a converting that will happen in this ideology for next generation. In addition, Van Dijk’s model has a special feature in which it displays the whole structure of ideological analysis from socially shared to personal level. Additionally, the author used quantitative analysis to know how often religious lexical items were mentioned and its context by using the software Antconc 3.2.4 that is able to create and order alphabetical lists from the file(s) loaded. The text also has been converted into clear text format suitable to be processed with concordance software. Shah’s results in both textbooks of 9th and 10th showed clear belonging to Islamic bringing up, Islamic faith and oneness of Allah. It should have awareness of respect for religious personalities. Moreover, the material taught in Punjab by theological vision that is agreed with ideology of Pakistan. Religious Education and knowledge of other disciplines are interrelated with each other so it is hard to put boundaries between them. In addition, all instructional materials are presented through Islamic perspective. One of the based evidence is that all the examples are a sample of lives of religious figures like Hazrat Muhammad as an Educationist and events from the life of Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed and Simplicity of Hazrat Ayesha.

Overall Summary and Comments, Suggestions and Critique of the above Studies

Generally, these articles are related to each other in one point that is different ideologies can leave a strong influence on textbooks. In addition, all studies meet in a common feature which is the education system may be harmed and it also may attach damage in the minds, beliefs and directions. In addition, English as a global language considered as future development to countries that was addressed in these studies in economic, social, and political aspect. General Zia said in his inaugural speech: “Our curriculum must ensure that our children are brought up educated as good Pakistanis and good Muslims. They must imbibe the lofty ideals and principles of Islam” (Paracha, 2009 cited in Shah, 2013, p.115). Consequently, these articles are based on a great framework which is textbooks play a vital role in the learning and teaching especially in foreign language classrooms. In order to develop the right learning materials for students in Muslim societies, it is required to look at the content of these materials carefully.

In my opinion, I agree with Rashid when he says that there are some textbooks that show some fondness towards some foreign cultural values at the expense of the Islamic culture. For these reason, publishers should publish local editions of their textbooks and to consult experts on the cultures depicted in their textbooks to cater for students’ needs. I also suggest that the English books should be called for learners’ awareness of their reality, and preserve their scientific and cognitive goals, away from political and ideological instincts, or even immature or uneducated theoretical experiments on their validity. The error in educational choices is costly in our social and national life, so that curriculum is considered as one of the recourses that leave a strong impact. The care of its content is a very important matter.


4.1Research Design

A descriptive research design will be used. A descriptive design aims to give details of phenomena under study. A qualitative approach will enable an easy description of attitudes and opinions of the students using the survey questions. The design is effective in collection of adequate data an also identification of variables which can be tested and used as areas of further study (Khan, 2014). The discussion of the topic with the study participants enables for an in-depth insights into the topic of study. Analysis of secondary sources and primary surveys will be used for this research. To assess the effectiveness of the research design, a pilot study will be used and necessary revisions to the questionnaire made.

4.2Data Collection Methods

English textbook (super goal 6) will be analyzed to see whether they contain and respect Islamic values or not. A content analysis card will be used to record whether certain Islamic values are present in a given book or not that might be handed to teacher, supervisors and experts of curriculum, to show the extent of their available or unavailable. Additionally, surveys will be conducted to determine if students would love to see English text books revised to reflect Islamic values. Surveys will be used as the method of data collection. The surveys will be administered on a face-to-face setting with the students. The surveys will contain a list of questions related to English books and whether they contain any Islamic values. Some questions will also be framed to gauge attitude of the students towards the Islamic values contained in their books. The researcher will later analyze the responses to get key insights into the topic of study.

4.3Sampling Technique

The researcher will adopt simple random sampling to come up with the study population. The students will thus be selected by chance to ensure that each has an equal opportunity of being surveyed. A lottery method will be used to enable the success of the sampling techniques. The students will be assigned numbers then a random selection will be carried out using the numbers. Random sampling technique ensures that the researcher gets a true representation of the study population and that biasness is eliminated as much as possible (Taylor et al., 2015). With such, the data collected is always a true reflection of the situation.

4.5Study Sample

Students will be used as the respondents for the study. The researcher will survey the sample population to determine the attitudes they have towards the Islamic values in their English books. The researcher will ensure that a friendly environment is established to enable adequate information collection. Their identity will be anonymous to ensure that they are free to give concrete opinions on the subject.

4.6Limitations of the Study

The researcher intends to use existing books as some of the sources of information. The information obtained from the books may be misleading as there are new publications happening regularly. The face-to-face administration of the questionnaires may instill fear into the students and they may not give their honest opinions. The researcher will ensure that there is an enabling environment and a close analysis of results from the two sources to increase credibility. Another limiting factor is the availability of the students. The researcher will maximize the number of visits to enable a wider coverage of the study population.

5. Conclusion and Expecting findings.

This study purports to offer insights the the impact of the linguistic hegemony of English on the Islamic values of English text books in Saudi Arabia: evaluating the content of English textbooks of secondary stage (Super Goal 6).To analyze data ,A descriptive research design along with a qualitative approach will be used in order to get precise interpretation. Hence, It is expected that books will be found to lack Islamic values. Similarly, it is expected that students will support the idea of adding Islamic values in their books. However, with global citizenship becoming more of a reality, it is expected some students will not support the addition of Islamic values in textbooks.

This study seeks to prove there is a need for include a reevaluation of teaching methods, the retraining of teachers, rewriting curricula and textbooks, and include the teaching of Islamic concepts in a context that is compatible with Islamic objectives to resist linguistic hegemony on the Islamic values of English text books in Saudi Arabia. In addition, Western society must know that Muslims have used their English to spread their religion and culture and this main purpose of English learning.


Arabic Refrences

Hendam, Y & Abdel Hamid, J.1985. Curriculum established, planned and evaluated.Cairo. Arab Renaissance Dar

Mustafa, A.1980.Educational and Islamic values.Beirut: Dar Taiba, First Edition

Tahtawi,S.1417.Educational values in the Quranic stories .Cairo. Alfikri Dar.

English References

Gak, D. M. (2011). Textbook–An Important Element In The Teaching Process. Diperoleh dari epub. ff. uns. ac. rs pada tanggal, 12.‏

Wilson, K. G. (2009). Mindfulness for two: An acceptance and commitment therapy approach to mindfulness in psychotherapy. New Harbinger Publications.

Ratnawati, M. A. (2005). English and Islam: A clash of civilizations?

Kachru, B. B. (1985). Standards, codification and sociolinguistic realism: The English language in the outer circle. In: R. Quirk and H. G. Widdowson (Eds.)

English in the world: Teaching and learning the language and literatures

(pp. 11-30). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Karmani, S. (2005c). Petro-linguistics: The emerging nexus between oil, English, and Islam.Language Identity and Education, 4(1).87-102102

20 L. Sheldon. Evaluating ELT Textbooks and Materials. ELT Journal, 42 (4), (1988) 237-246.

Tamtam, A. C., Gallagher, F., Olabi, A. G., Naher, S., ( 2012 ). “A Comparative Study of the Implementation of EMI in Europe, Asia and Africa.” Prcedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 47, pp. 1417 – 1425.

Elyas, T. (2008). The attitude and the impact of the American English as a global language within the Saudi education system. Novitas-Royal, 2(1), 28-48.

Karim, S., & Haq, N. (2014). Culture of language learning: A comparative study of English language textbooks used in Pakistan. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 10(2), 157-168.

Mahboob, A. (2009). English as an Islamic language: A case study of Pakistani English. World Englishes, 28(2), 175-189.

Mosleh, E., & Firwana, S. S. (2015). Value-based Content Analysis of ‘English for Palestine’8 th Grade Course Book and Suggested Value Enrichment Material. Unpublished master thesis. Islamic University, Gaza.

Rashid, R. S. A. A., & Ibrahim, E. H. E. (2018). English Language Textbooks and Portrayal of Culture: A content analysis. In MATEC Web of Conferences (Vol. 150, p. 05076). EDP Sciences.

Sajid,M.(2015). Ideology in Text Books. Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies,03-06.

Shafi, Mohammad. (1983). Teaching of English as a foreign language: The Islamic approach. Muslim Educational Quarterly. 1(1).

Shah, S. K., Tariq, W., & Bilal, M. Ideology in English Textbooks: A Case Study of Matric Level Books in Punjab.

Khan, S.N. (2014). Qualitative research method: Grounded theory. International Journal of Business and Management, 9(11), 224.

Taylor, S.J., Bogdan, R., & DeVault, M. (2015). Introduction to qualitative research methods: guidebook and resource. John Wiley & Sons.


Content analysis card for English textbooks (super goal 6(

Teaching Experience: -Teacher – School Supervisor – Other

Unavailable Available Islamic values
First area: ideological values
1-Development of belief values that are related to our faith
2-Helping to understand our religion and their purposes of Sharia correctly.
3- Developing the ability to make a purposeful dialogue with owners of other religions.
4-Working on cleansing society of culture of fads and superstitions such as birthday festival.
5-It contains of explicit religious goals.
Second area: moral values
1- Exhortation to dealing according to Islamic morals.
2- Establishing the principles of true and honesty and The reward for good values.
3- Create opportunities to participate in community initiatives to take care of needy groups
4- Enhancing the sense of responsibility towards behaviors in which a Muslim student represents his religion through his behaviors
Third area: practical values
1-Enhancing congruence between transactions and behavior and values of worship.
2-Enhancing the concepts of worship such as the pillars of Islam in detail.
3-Formating clear basics about the types of worship and transactions as a basic knowledge that must be mastery.
4- Identifying the types of transactions in our religion.
5- Using wisdom manners when they are reacting to attacks that is happened against Islamic religion.

Survey to measure the attitude of students toward changing their book to be truly Islamic.

Part I- Personal Information

1- Secondary stage:

· Level 1

· Level 2

· Level 3

· Level 4

· Level 5

· Level 6

Part II- Curricula and textbooks

2- What do you think about your English textbook? Is it more culturally appropriate?  *

3- How much relationship it has with your realities? *

4- How much compatibility it has with objectives of teaching English in Saudi Arabia? *

5- Is it more islamically appropriate? Why? Why not? *

6- Give example of inappropriate lessons? Tell me why? *

7-Give example of appropriate lessons? Tell me why? *

8- What do you benefit from lessons of English? Are they helping you to talk about Islamic religion? How? *

Part III- students’ attitudes.

9- Can you understand this text ” Hallowed be Allah and praise is due to Him according to the number of His creation, the pleasure of Himself, the weight of His Throne and the ink used in recording His words. (three times) (Muslim).? *

10-What do you think it is talk about? *

11- What are challenges that you are faced now? *

12- Give your opinion, What if your lessons ensured the same content *

13-Do you accept the idea of changing English textbooks to be Islamic truly. Why? Why not? *

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  • Our writers are professionals and they write your paper from scratch and we don’t encourage copy pasting.
  • All writers are assessed and they have to pass our standards for them to work with us.
  • Plagiarism is an offence and it’s never tolerated in our company.

Native Writers plus Researchers

  • Our writers are qualified and excellent and will guarantee the best performance in your order.
  • Our team has writers who have master's and PhD qualifications who can handle any assignment
  • We have the best standards in essay writing.

We have been in business for over 7 syears

  • We have always served our customers from all over the world and they have continued to order with us.
  • We value our customers since they have trusted us to do their assignments.
  • We are competent in our writing gained from experience over the years
  • Our company has 24/7 Live Support.

You will get

  •  Custom Admission Essay written by competent professional English writers.
  •  Free revisions according to our revision policy if required
  •  Paper format:  275 words per page, Times New Roman font and size 12, doublespaced text and1 inch margin
  •  On time delivery and direct order download
  •  Privacy guaranteed

We can help you:

  •  acquire a comprehensive professional presentation.
  •  get a unique and remarkable content as per your instructions.
  •  Get an additional portion that can be included to your existing presentation;
  •  turn your work in to an eyecatching presentation with well communicated ideas.
  •  improve your presentation to acquire the best professional standards.